Home>Blog>LED Vs. OLED: Which is better

LED Tv or OLED Tv, which is better? The debate rages on as lovers of both technology stake a claim for why they think their preferred television is the better option. But regardless of the preferred pick, we all can accept the fact that both sets have transformed the outlook of modern television. The giant strides made by manufacturers of LED and OLED sets cannot be downplayed.

1. What is an LED?
2. What is OLED?
3. LED vs. OLED Technology?
4. What does LED Tv mean?
5. LED and OLED difference
6. LED or OLED Tv
7. LED Vs. OLED: Which is better
8. What is the future for LED and OLED??

However, for those who do not know much about television technology, making a choice between LED and OLED is quite a challenge. If you are undecided about which set to go for, this review is specially written for you. In this review, we will bring to light all you need to know about LED and OLED Tv technology. We will also highlight their strong features so as to enable you to make an informed choice when next you go shopping for a Tv to buy.

What is an LED?

LED means Light-emitting diode, which is a standard light source found in electrical appliances and equipment. LED is used in so many electrically powered devices ranging from cell phones, public billboards, lighting systems, and television sets. LED illuminates screens, which then makes it possible for the human eye to view projected images.

How does LED work?

LED works by releasing light when electric current flows. The light source in LED systems is based on what is called semiconductors. Electrons combine with holes that emit light when current passes through the LED. For maximum functionality, LED allows current to flow in a forward direction while blocking current flow in a reverse direction. Now that we know what LED technology is all about and how it works let us now get down to the nitty-gritty of LED technology in LED and OLED television sets.

What is OLED?

OLED is an extension of LED. Also known as Organic Electroluminescent Diode, this light-emitting diode is an emissive device that has a layer of organic compound that transmits light as a result of electric current flow.  The organic layer in OLED technology is located in between two separate electrodes. Manufacturers use OLED to create digital displays in devices such as computer monitors, Tv sets, smartphones, game consoles, and even PDA’s.

LED vs. OLED Technology?

Television shoppers often come across different tv set models, and one of them is OLED. OLED Tv sets are designed with thin frames and are very lightweight. They offer magnificent contrast and color separation that marks them out in a class of their own. What many buyers find confusing the that OLED is only a letter away from the LED, so what is the difference?

The truth is that they are actually different. The letter “O,” which stands for Organic, is a huge difference, and it sets OLED apart from LED in more ways than one. This, however, is not an indication that the quality OLED has over LED is pronounced as you will see further down.

A quick glance at the past

OLED was released to the market in the year 2013, and the public acceptance of the technology was positive. The model was lauded for its perfect black color and user-friendly features. However, one common complaint labeled on the technology was the brightness quality, which wasn’t as good as that of LED. This complaint didn’t stop the manufacturer from selling as many sets as possible, and they continue to sell them in their thousands today.

Besides the screen quality, another thing that differentiates OLED from LED was the significant price difference. OLED is still much more expensive than LED television sets. Today, LG has improved the brightness of its OLED sets, and the price has also reduced, especially in light of new brands coming into the market with cheaper variations of the technology.

What does LED Tv mean?

LED Tv or Non-OLED Tv are made of two parts. We have an LCD panel and a backlight. The panel comprises pixels, which are multicolored dots that simply project images to the screen. The panels in LED Tv can’t be seen without the backlight emitting light to illuminate them. The LED technology is influenced by the backlight. So when next you see a LED Tv, you must know that the set is based on an LCD-backlit technology. Having pointed that out, do note that not all LED Tv sets are made the same since there are different model variations in terms of screen size and image quality.

What does OLED Tv mean?

Like we pointed out in a previous paragraph, OLED stands for an organic light-emitting diode. This tv set has the capacity to produce light and color from a diode when electric current plows through. Due to this ability, OLED does not require a backlight as LED tv does. The pixels in OLED Tv produced its own light and color.

In terms of physical structure, OLED Tv lighter and thin shaped. It is also flexible with extraordinary light transmission. When the Tv is on, you can see the colorful display on the screen. When it is turned off, the screen goes completely black.

LED and OLED difference

The difference between LED and OLED is not as marked as that of QLED Television. One difference is in terms of performance. LED uses an LCD panel and a backlight to display images. OLED, on the other hand, does not require a backlight. The pixels in OLED can emit their own light and colors. Pixels in LED cannot. Without a backlight, LED screens cannot display images.

Feature review: LED vs. OLED

Now, let us look at the features of both sets. It takes a lot to produce Tv technology, and manufacturers put in a lot of work into structural designs as well as functionality. We will review each feature one after the other and identify the Tv that comes out on top in each category. We hope that after reading this review, you will be able to make an informed choice between LED Tv and OLED Tv.

Black Level

Black level refers to the capacity of a screen to produce dark blacks. A dark black color is one of the essential features of achieving maximum picture quality. Black allows for rich colors and improved contrast, as well as realistic imagery. LED television technology has historically struggled in this category. Die to the fact that they require an LCD panel and a separate backlight, and manufacturers have not been able to achieve maximum blackness even with selective dimming technology.

When sections of the screen create blooms or hazy colors, LEDs suffer from what is called “light bleed.” OLED Tv does not have this problem. If the pixels in OLED do not get electricity, it produces no light, therefore, achieving blackness.

Winner: OLED


Screen resolution is not much of a big deal for some viewers, but it is for others. Both Tv models are very bright and look good under sunny or dark conditions. But for the best image quality, viewing them in a dark room is best. Although the difference in quality is not far apart, LED gets the nod in this category because it is slightly brighter due to the backlight technology that it has, which OLED doesn’t have. OLED lacks the capacity to achieve a full-screen resolution brightness as LED can. Full-screen resolution is not much of a big deal, but if we are to acknowledge this category, then the crown ought to go to LED.

Winner: LED


LED TVs come in a variety of sizes. The smallest is 20 inches, and the largest is 100 inches. OLED, on the other hand, comes in three sizes, namely the 55, 65, and the 75 inches size. LCD wins this category because it has more size variations than OLD

Winner: LED


Evaluating the lifespan value of both sets objectively is downright impossible. This is because OLED is a much newer technology compared to LED that has been in the market for a much longer period. LG has claimed that its OLED model has a lifespan of 100,000 hours in terms of brightness, which is a similar claim made by manufacturers of LED TVs. This claim made by LG has not been confirmed yet.

Based on feedback by users and experts, both LED Tv and OLED Tv are durable with no notable complaint regarding their lifespan. LED has the advantage because they have been around for a much longer time, but we shouldn’t take anything away from OLED either.

Winner: It is a Tie

Contrast Ratio

For those of you who do not know what contrast ratio means, this describes the difference between the darkest and the brightest part of the screen. OLED Tv is known to have remarkable contrast because they have a healthy combination of color brightness and absolute blackness without occasional blooming. Of all modern-day television technology, OLED leads the way with its perfect contrast ratio that makes for realistic images.

Winner: OLED

Screen Uniformity

Screen uniformity is the term used to describe brightness consistency across the screen. One argument made against LED is that they suffer from light leakages from the screen edges. OLED is much better in this regard. The first set of OLED Tv models had this problem, but manufacturers have been able to improve the technology and to correct this anomaly.

Winner: OLED

Screen Burn-in

All television sets suffer from image persistence, commonly called screen burn-in. This refers to an image remaining on a section of the screen after it has been taken off. Watching your favorite movie with this problem makes it less enjoyable, isn’t it?  Well, both LED TVs and OLED TVs have this problem. The good news is, this problem corrects itself after a while or if you switch channels. For now, it is still too early t make a judgment regarding which of the two performs better in this category.

Winner: Still early days to make a judgment

Color Space

One of the hallmarks of great Television technology is its color space. This is why manufacturers put in a lot of resources to improve the color space capacity of their TVs. When comparing both LED and OLED, we found out that OLED edges it slightly in the Contrast category viewed in dark rooms. But LED screens produce perfectly saturated colors, no matter the light conditions. Dark or bright rooms.

Winner: LED

Viewing Angles

One notable weakness of LED technology that influenced the design of OLED was the diminishing image quality when viewed from an angular position. As you move away from the center of the screen, you will notice that the quality you see becomes less appealing. This becomes a concern when you consider your sitting position. For large family households, this is indeed a BIG DEAL!

OLED TVs don’t have these problems, and if you notice this in any of their models, the problem is not as bad. When viewed from extreme angles, their images remain the same. It is left to be seen whether future LED curved screens will correct this issue.

Winner: OLED

LED vs. OLED Energy Consumption

Identifying a clear winner want as easy as it should have been because both models are energy efficient in their own right. For OLED, it’s power consumption is influenced by screen brightness. So, in essence, the brighter the screen, the more power it draws from the power source. As for LED, the volume of power it draws depends on the backlight setting. If the backlight is low, it draws less power compared to OLED. One smart way to reduce the power consumption of your OLED Tv set is to reduce its screen brightness, but this may not be a good idea as reduced brightness affects contrast quality. Although both models are energy efficient, we are inclined to give this category to LED.

Winner: LED

LED or OLED: Which is better for your eyes?

For starters, viewers are advised to practice personal safety when watching the right screens. Prolonged viewing leads to dry eyes and irritation, as we all know. With that being said, choosing a clear winner between LED and OLED is not definitive. Unhealthy practices can affect visual health, whether you watch and OLED Tv or a LED Tv. Both sets are bright, so users should avoid sitting too close to their screens. They are also advised to regulate the brightness based on comfort.

Winner: Tie

LED Vs. OLED picture quality

LED dominates the market in terms of sales, particularly in third world countries. This reality is not because it offers users better image quality. Rather it is down to it’s lower price. However, in terms of image quality, OLED offers so much more. OLED may be more expensive, but if you are looking for a Tv that produces picture-perfect images, then make sure you go for OLED over the LED. Manufacturers of LED TVs continue to improve imagery, but they do not come close to the quality that OLED offers.

Winner: OLED

LED vs. OLED Price and availability

LED Tv is a lot cheaper than OLED Tv sets. For instance, you can get a basic version of a LED Tv for around $500 or less, but an OLED set for that price is not as easy. But it is interesting to note that the price for OLED television sets has witnessed a steady decline. This is a result of LG Electronic’s innovation, which has led to the efficient manufacturing of spare parts.

Winner: LED


Deciding on which of these sets to go for should depend on your budget. Both sets offer users crisp and crystal clear images that we all can appreciate m although OLED screens have brighter resolutions, they suffer from screen burn-in that show up over time. Screen burn-in is a major issue associated with OLED technology, but with LED, you will not face this problem.

LED TVs refresh images several times, so pixels don’t get stuck. And in cases where burn-in occurs, the burn-in will go away. Besides this issue and price cheapness, OLED leads the way in terms of picture quality. So, therefore, the choice between both sets should come down to what you want the Tv for. OLED is better suited for home theatre viewers who prefer watching movies at television programs at home.

For Gaming

If you are a lover of games, you should look for a Tv that has excellent anti-dimming zones. LED TVs are great for gaming because they don’t suffer from image retention.

For Sports

OLED is the delight of sports viewers. The technology has amazing contrast quality, vivid colors, and can be viewed from angles. You can watch your favorite football or hockey game in the comfort of your home with this brilliant technology wonder that is OLED Tv.


LED Vs. OLED: Which is better

Both LED Tv and OLED Tv are flat-screen sets that have flat panels. They both come in large screen sizes and high-resolution qualities.  And furthermore, they both support HDR. Most LED and OLED Yv sets also have HDMI ports, which can be used to connect several external gadgets like gaming consoles, speakers, etc at the same time.

These smart features and more are what makes both sets a mist have. You can also stream videos via streaming platforms like Hulu, Disney, and Netflix. With all of these in mind, we will recommend that you make a decision based on how much you have at hand. OLED may have better features all-round, but the difference over LED is only minimal. In fact, it is so minimal that you may not even notice the difference.

But overall, OLED leads the way. LED, on the other hand, comes a not-too-distant second.

What is the future for LED and OLED?

OLED was heralded as an improvement on LED, and for a time, it appeared so. However, the flaws associated with OLED became noticeable soon after. But the very fact that it offered viewers crystal clear images made it a top choice for homeowners the world over, and from the look of things, OLED tv is here to stay. LED TVs have been improved in recent years, but OLED marked the zenith of light-emitting diode television sets. Today, we find smaller OLED sets in homes, offices, and public places.

But we expect OLED to remain the top tier Tv set for a long time but not forever in the light of new research and technology coming to life. If this happens, we expect LG to issue more licenses to other manufacturers to produce OLED sets.

The technology that may challenge or even displace OLED as number one is called MicroLED Technology. For the third straight year now, Samsung has showcased wall-sized sets at CES powered by MicroLED. This technology works just the same way as LED and OLED TVs do but with better features. MicroLED uses very tiny LEDs to improve functionality and to boost image display. So with MicroLED, you get blacker screens, higher levels of contracts, and lesser possibility of burn-ins.

Let’s just say that MicroLED will improve OLED the same way OLED improved on LED technology. Although Samsung was the first to introduce MicroLED, LG is also working on its own version, too, as seen at the IFA show last year in Berlin. TCL is also in the running to produce their own Micro LED sets. If these encouraging results are anything to go by, we expect MicroLED technology to lead the way in the coming years either as a substitute to OLED or as it’s a replacement.

The news also making the round is that Apple is flirting with the idea of using MicroLED to produce high-end Iphones pretty soon, and it is easy to see why. Since technology has the potential to deliver better brightness and image display, we should expect it to be the latest television technology to take the world by storm soon.

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Shenzhen Dreamway Technology Co., Limited was established in 2013. Most of our staff have been engaged in the LED display screen field for more than 10 years. Our factory is about 2,000 square meters, with SMD machines and production lines to output over 600 square meters monthly.


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